Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Let Salvation Flow

We visited a church on Sunday, and sang a song with the words, " Let salvation flow as your people pray..." As I sang I began to realize that I was so very hungry for salvation. I want to see salvation flow. I want to be part of witnessing the unspeakable mirical of eternity changing and a person's heart being fully surrendured to Jesus. I want to see a broken soul understand that he is alive, loved and made for a greater purpose. I want to be part of heaven's rejoicing when another one of God's beloved children chooses Him. I have missed this. I get so caught up in church ministry that I find myself surrounded by nothing but believers. This is great for fellowship, but now I see that I am starved for the newness of life that comes with salvation. Oh, to be part of that glorious event. It is but a taste of Heaven on earth. Dear Jesus, may my hunger for overflow.


angela said...

someone the other day said to me "i'm praying to be awestruck". me too.

Here we go... said...


Sara said...

That was a beautiful post. I'm surrounded completely with non-believers and I wish sometimes it was the other way around (like in Lincoln!) but I have to remind myself that we are here for a purpose...the only purpose.