November 20th is mine and Shelby's birthday's. My mother's is the 22nd. It was fun to have us all in close proximity so be could have a big (well, kind of small) celebration! We had a big lunch with the VA family including my sister and Shane's brother. We had a strawberry-cream cheese cake. Hmmm... I wonder when it was that I started making my own birthday cake. Oh, yeah, when I married a man. My parents got the girls a kitchen set. We got Shelby a baby doll which she loves to love. I made my mom one of those super warm double knotted fleece blankets. I could go to sleep just thinking about it. So many goodies!!! It was a fun time by all. Shelby particularly enjoyed the part where she had emerged her hand in a glob of ice cream and began to scream for no apparent reason. We soon discovered the frostbitten fingers and warmed them with love and kisses. P.S. Annalee continues to sing "Happy Birthday" to herself daily. Everyday she asks when her birthday is. We always answer the same thing..."In the Summer." Poor girl has no clue how long away that is.
Looks like so much fun. Kitchen sets are so great. Yes, time frames are hard to understand. So are metaphors :) I have to always think about what I am saying and whether or not she is truly understanding! :)
wish I could have been there to celebrate with you!
Looks like so much fun. Kitchen sets are so great. Yes, time frames are hard to understand. So are metaphors :) I have to always think about what I am saying and whether or not she is truly understanding! :)
If you ladies lived close we could have had a really BIG party around late November? One day, what do ya say?!!!
How sweet. It's sad when you finally realize how far away a birthday truly is...poor girl. How are ya feeling these days?
You look so cute...I love your hair! How fun to celebrate these adventures and milestones in their little lives.
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